Prevention Works

Similar to other chronic disorders, factors can affect whether we are more susceptible to the disease of addiction. Certain biological and environmental factors can increase our vulnerability.

Prevention Works

Prevention programs boost protective factors and eliminate or reduce risk factors. There is strong scientific evidence that supports the effectiveness of prevention programs.

Evidence-based prevention interventions can:

  • prevent use or delay early use
  • stop the progression from first use to misuse to substance use disorder (including addiction)

Prevention is cost-effective. Evidence-based prevention interventions can decrease costs related to substance-related crime, lost work productivity, and related health care costs.

West Virginia has developed a prevention infrastructure to implement and support prevention efforts in the state. Prevention Infrastructure in West Virginia includes:

  • Six regional Prevention Lead Organizations (PLOs)
  • County coalitions under the PLOs
  • Partnerships for Success (PFS) Coordinators
  • SOR Coalition Engagement Specialists
  • SOR Adult Suicide Intervention Specialists
  • Garrett Lee Smith (GLS) Youth Suicide Intervention Specialists and Prevent Suicide WV

Prevention Lead Organizations are located in six regions throughout the state. These leads have extensive training and experience related to prevention, and coordinate efforts among county coalitions and other specialists. They provide services such as information dissemination, education, alternatives, problem ID and referral, community-based processes, and environmental strategies. They are trained in the Strategic Prevention Framework and have experience using data to guide prevention decisions—from identifying which substance use problems to address in a community, to choosing the most appropriate ways to address these problems, to determining whether selected interventions and strategies are making progress in meeting prevention needs.

West Virginia has a great prevention infrastructure that can help with your prevention efforts. Whenever possible, consult with the regional Prevention Lead Organization to coordinate efforts.

WV Prevention Strategic Plan 2025-20230

WV Prevention Strategic Plan 2025-2030
Click to download

WV Prevention Strategic Plan

WV Prevention Strategic Plan 2021-2023
Click to download

WV Prevention Guide August 2022

WV Prevention Guide August 2022
Click to download

Substance Use Prevention Communications TOOLKIT

Substance Use Prevention Communications TOOLKIT
Click to download

Community Engagement: An Essential Component of an Effective and Equitable Substance Use Prevention System

Community Engagement: An Essential Component of an Effective and Equitable Substance Use Prevention System
Click to download

Prevention Practitioner's Role in Disaster Response screenshot

Prevention Practitioner's Role in Disaster Response
Click to download

Prevention Resources During a Pandemic web screenshot

Prevention Resources During a Pandemic
View Resources

Adapting Evidence-based Practices for Under-resourced Populations

Adapting Evidence-based Practices for Under-resourced Populations
Click to Download

Adverse Childhood Experiences, Social Emotional Development, and Underage Alcohol and Drug Use: Connecting the Dots

Prevention Lead Organizations

Region 1:
Brooke, Hancock, Marshall, Ohio, Wetzel
Michelle Rohde
Youth Services System, Inc.
304-398-2119 ext. 701

Region 2:
Berkeley, Grant, Hampshire, Hardy, Jefferson, Mineral, Morgan, Pendleton
Barbra Masih MS, LPC, NCC, AADC, CRC, PSII
Potomac Highlands Guild

Region 3:
Calhoun, Jackson, Pleasants, Ritchie, Roane, Tyler, Wirt, Wood
Alison Browning
Westbrook Health Services

Region 4:
Barbour, Braxton, Doddridge, Gilmer, Harrison, Lewis, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, Randolph, Taylor, Tucker, Upshur
Elizabeth Shahan, MSW, LGSW, PSII
West Virginia Prevention Solutions

Region 5:
Boone, Cabell, Clay, Kanawha, Lincoln, Logan, Mason, Mingo, Putnam, Wayne
Kim Shoemake, MS
Prestera Center

Region 6:
Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summers, Webster, Wyoming
Greg Puckett
Community Connections


Prevention Specialist (PS)
IC&RC Defines Prevention as: A proactive process which empowers individuals and systems to meet the challenges of life events and transitions, by creating and reinforcing healthy behavior and lifestyles and by reducing risk factors contributing to alcohol, tobacco and other drug usage and other related issues.

For more information about the requirements for Prevention Specialist Certification visit:

WV Prevention Summit Presentations
2023 WV Prevention Summit

Click here to view

Evidence-Based Program Review

Do you have a prevention program that you'd like to submit for review to determine whether it's evidence-based? Submit your program info here.

Understanding Cultural Competency in Prevention Efforts

Moving Prevention Strategies From In-person to Virtual


LGBTQ Fact Sheet screen shot
LGBTQ Fact Sheets for Prevention Professionals: Vaping, Suicide Prevention, Substance Misuse