Parents and caregivers - you can influence whether your child uses alcohol or drugs. It is crucial that you start talking with your children about alcohol and drugs well before the teen years. The earlier a person starts using drugs or alcohol, the more likely they are to develop substance use disorders.
Although you may not think so, parents have a significant influence on teen's decisions.
Ways to help your child make good decisions about drugs and alcohol:
Check out these downloadable parent resources from Partnership for Drug-Free Kids:
Check out these downloadable parent resources from Partnership for Drug-Free Kids:
NIDA Director, Dr. Nora Volkow highlights the development of the adolescent brain and encourages parents to have the conversation with their teens about substance use and its effects on health.
Safety Advice for Patients and Family Members
If you suspect an overdose:
CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY. An overdose requires immediate medical attention.
Signs of an OVERDOSE (a life-threatening emergency) include:
Signs of OVERMEDICATION (which may progress to overdose) include:
"Grandfamilies," or kinship families, are those in which children live with and are being raised by grandparents, relatives or other adult extended family members. Grandparents play an important role in providing safe and stable homes to children who cannot remain in the care of their parents. Learn more about the important role played and challenges faced by grandparents raising children.
WV Relatives as Parents Program (RAPP) offers information and resources including: A Guide to Navigating Resources and Benefits for Relative/Kinship Caregivers in West Virginia.
Healthy Grandfamilies is a free initiative led by West Virginia State University to provide information and resources to grandparents who are raising one or more grandchildren. The program is funded by the United States Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Designed as a series of nine discussion sessions and follow-up services, Healthy Grandfamilies is taught by an education professional with more than 40 years of experience who also happens to be the product of a grandfamily.
Learn more:
Check out NIDA Kahoot! to test your knowledge on how drugs and alcohol affect young people’s brains and bodies.
WV Students Against Destructive Decisions
Encourage your teen to participate in a local WV Students Against Destructive Decisions (WVSADD) Chapter. SADD promotes positive mental health, leadership development and good decision-making. West Virginia leads the nation in SADD chapter development with nearly 300 chapters established statewide, including school based, local community based, and college based chapters.
Download the “Talk. They Hear You” App
The app features an interactive simulation that helps you learn the do's and don'ts of talking to kids about underage drinking. Using avatars, you will:
Partnership for Drug-Free Kids: Help & Hope By Text
If your son or daughter is struggling with heroin or other opioids - sign up to get support and information by text.
The West Virginia Collegiate Initiative to Address High Risk Alcohol Use is an organization that proactively addresses alcohol, other drug and associated violence issues at the college level.
Prescription Stimulant Misuse and Prevention Among Youth and Young Adults
SAMHSA Behavioral Health Among College Students Information & Resource Kit
Publication No. PEP19-PL-Guide-1 Rockville, MD: National Mental Health and Substance Use Policy Laboratory. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2019.
Click to downloadWV Regional Youth Services Centers